Nielsen Homescan
Nielsen Homescan
Make money online with surveys
Make money online with Nielsen. Free to join and use, Nielsen is a great way to earn extra free money and earn free rewards online by completing surveys and simple tasks that provide media measurement statistics, online intelligence, mobile phone usage measurement, and related assets.
For decades, N...
Nielsen Homescan
Make money online with surveys
Make money online with Nielsen. Free to join and use, Nielsen is a great way to earn extra free money and earn free rewards online by completing surveys and simple tasks that provide media measurement statistics, online intelligence, mobile phone usage measurement, and related assets.
For decades, Nielsen has set the standard for global market research and worked closely with consumers to gather market research and help them win prixes and earn rewards. Nielsen insights are based on samples of the population and help their clients (e.g., manufacturers, retailers, non-profits and governments) learn about what consumers watch, buy, their preferences and behaviours. Your participation in our panel helps us create our consumer insight solutions.